Well, it is the last publication in this blog to the first batxillerat, and if I see my writtings, I think that I had had an improvement on my level of English since September, and for example, I can see it in my language, because I was using a basic vocabulary and I could be look up one word in a dictionary for 1 hour (it is ironic ¬¬), but now I know more words and I write one redaction in less time, and I think that it is very good!
For me, one of the best activities that best shows my level of English is the traductions of the lyrics' songs, because you learn very vocabulary, but one activity that was very useful for improve my English it has been the oral presentation, because it help you to develop a topic and you must to know speak this lenguage for don't do ridicul.
On the other hand, I think that one activity that I don't find very useful to learn English is the podcast, because it is only for improve your intonation of this language, but it's funny to do.
The next year I would like to do more traductions and games, because it is a good way learn a language, and it's a good way to amuse learning!
dissabte, 6 de juny del 2009
The last publication!
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 3:01 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Third term
diumenge, 31 de maig del 2009
Wimbledon, the film!
He is going to play his last tournament called Wimbledon and later he will stop her career. Peter isn’t a very good player, but he has decided that in these matches he will effort very much, so he will past to the final and win the tournament.
One day, the main character met a young famous tenis player and he fell in love with him, because for Peter these woman was very pretty and very nice, and she called Lizzie Bradbury, who was other american player.The first match arrive and Peter Colt is playing very good and he is winning, everybody are impressionate becuse they don’t know that this person plays of this form; but the cause of it was that Lizzie went to see him in the match, so he was very motivate for she.

Publicat per Pau Ubric a 10:13 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Film, Third term
dimecres, 13 de maig del 2009
3th Oral Presentation
1. Did you use any resources? Yes, powerpoint.
2. Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes.
Body language and eye contact:
3. Did you look at your audience most of the time? Not most of the time, sometimes I was seeing to the paper.
4. Did you read from your notes? A little.
5. Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of you audience? No
6. Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes.
7. Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? A little.
8. Did you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? I think that yes.
9. Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books? Yes.
10. Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? A little of everything.
11. Did you use check your grammar? Yes.
12. Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? Yes.
13. Did you use sentence linkers? A little.
14. Did you use fillers? A little.
Pronunciation & Intonation:
15. Did you know how to pronunce all you words? Not most of them, but yes.
16. Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? No
17.Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? The same tone all the time.
18.Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? With breaks and interruptions.
Self-Evaluation: If I was the teacher, I would put a maximum of 7.
The literal transciption:
Hello everybody,we are the famous Carrera and Pau, and today we want to talk about the water, her problems in the world and his causes.
Firstly we will talk about the problems that happen around the world when there is a lot of water or when involve don’t have enough water to survive.
Well, we can see in this image that the men are made up with a 60% of water, a baby is made up with a 83% and the woman with a 45%.
Here we can see a map with availability of the water around the world, and in Catalonia we can see that it is approaching physical water scarcity
[Laura Carrera]
When we haven't got any water, I think that it's one of the biggest problems of the world because the people can produice a dehydration in the body. An other causes are desertification for example, because the plants, the animals and humans cannot survive because the water is essencial for our body, animals and plants.
The fault of water is other problem for some diseases that can produce in our lives and because when we drink water contaminated it can produce diseases or other things.
Well, at the last we can see the dehydration that it's other problem that can produce this fault of water. The countries that we ca see this problem is Africa and Asia.
Check your Language and Structure.
Can you correct your mistakes?
Yes, I can; I think that for my next oral presentation, I must be relaxed and look my audience. I must pronounce ALL my words too.
My impression about this presentation compared to the other presentations you have done in first batxillerat:
I think that I've learnt very much with the presentations orals, because it produced that you must develope a topic and it causes that you learn this language.
This presentation, compared to the first that I did, is better because I don't read very much from the paper and I've utiliced new vocabulary. In my opinion, I've improved.
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 0:44 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Third term
Nazi suspect Demjanjuk arrives in Germany
The last Tuesday, the Germany’s Jewish community had arrested one Nazi from the U.S.A called John Demjanjuk, who is an Ukranian that he says he had been a prisioner of war, and he didn’t be a murderer.
Demjanjuk's lawyers had asked the high court to consider their claims that he was too ill and frail to be sent to the prision, but everybody are agree about this person death approximatly 29,000 Jewish in 1943.

issue = assumpte
court = tribunal
Jewish = jueu
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 0:35 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: News, Third term
Rossi secures Spanish GP triumph
The host, Dani Pedrosa, make the second position, and Stoner completed the podium making the third position.
The other host, Jorge Lorenzo crashed out and so, he didn’t mark in these career.
Nowadays, the Championsip clasification is the next, with Valentino Rossi, who is the leader, then, in the second position there is Lorenzo, and finally, in the third position we have got Stoner.

Well known = conegut
Host = amfitrió
crashed out = estrellar-se
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 0:30 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: News, Third term
Iniesta upbeat over fitness race
Andrés Iniesta expects to be in the Champions League final, because in the last match versus Villareal he hurt a muscle of the leg.
The problem is that F.C Barcelona won’t has got any defenders because Daniel Alves and Eric Abdal are expeled, and Rafael Marquez is hurt to.
For this cause, Pep Guardiola won’t let play the next final coup versus Athletic de Bilbao, and so “our” Andrés could be playing in Roma, and if it possible, that he will score other goal like the goal that he scored versus Chelsea.
hurt = lesionar-se
let = deixar
expel = expulsar
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 0:18 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: News, Third term
While Paulino and Roger are walking in a dark street…
- You, Roger, you know we are walking in a poor street?
- Yes. It’s dangerous at night.
- However it’s lovely in day.
- Yes if is it sunny.
- And cloudy
- And raining
- NO! You’re a disaster, you make me forgive where we are.
- Oh, I’m sorry, you must have attention uuhhhhhh
- Don’t laugh Roger, don’t laugh idiot
- I think that i’ve hear a noise.
- Don’t lie me please, I’m very frightened
- Me too Paulino.
- Where you hear the noise
- miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaau
(for who don’t know Nuri, she has panic at cats.)
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 0:16 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Third term
diumenge, 19 d’abril del 2009
diumenge, 8 de març del 2009
Back to the middle ages
"San Genesio in northern Italy has suffered a wave of burglaries and car-thefts recently. The village's mayor has decided to take desesperate action: he 's going to set up medieval style gates on three of the city's four entrances, which will be closed at dusk, and man the fourth gate with volunteer guards. Mayor Giampaolo Zetti justifies his plan by saying that villagers have taken to sleeping with guns by their beds and that someone is going to get hurt unless he takes some action."
Think in English, nº28; 4/01
Gate: porta
Burglary: lladre
Dusk: capvespre
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 3:14 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: second term, Speaking
divendres, 6 de març del 2009
The summary of a film
Million Dolar Baby
At the beginin, Maggie would like that Frankie will be her trainer, but he didn’t accept, including when Dupris meddle in her favor.

Publicat per Pau Ubric a 13:42 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Film, second term
Description of a friend
I’m going to describe David Marín, who is one of my best friends. He is sixteen years old and he is doing the humanistic first of batxillerat with me. He lives in Fortià with his parents in a big house.
David is a person whose his body is short, thin and fit because he plays football twice or more to the weeks. He is ginger and he has a short hair.
His face is very nice because he had round brown eyes and he doesn’t has any spots.
For two years ago, David has worn glasses but is not a problem because he looks good with theirs.
He wears very simple clothes and he doesn’t like wears smart, because it is very uncomfortable for he, so David isn’t a fashion victim. ;)
He is very sociable, friendly, kind, inteligent, ... but when he is angry, he is the worst lad in the world! David likes a lot meet with his friends in a parties and laugh very much with us, and they love drink too, for this reason he pass every Sunday with a hangover. Also, David is very organized and responsible with his work and with his life.
In my opinion he is a very good friend and we have a very good relationship, maybe because in some points we are very differents. =)
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 6:29 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: second term, Speaking
“Being a celebrity is a great thing? ”
As everything, it has got advantages and disadvantages, the problem is that the people only see the goods things.
On the one hand, we can see that the celebrities have a lot of money, so they have got a luxury life and we think that they always are very happy and they don’t have problems. Other advantage is that everyone can see the famous on the television and we know these cebrities if we see on the street.
On the other hand, be a famous is not very well, because they haven’t got a private life and the press do lies about these and their life, and it is very annoying for this person. Another disadvantage is that these people doesn’t do a degree because they din’t have time to do it in a past, so the celebrities must go to the TV programs to win some money. Not to mention the fans that cause inconvenience when they would like to take a photo with you.
For that reason, I wouldn’t like be a celebrity for the previously disadvantages, so I’m still with my life and I don’t complain about it, but if they would like to give me some money, I don’t turn down...
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 6:24 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Discussion essay, second term
divendres, 27 de febrer del 2009
2nd Oral Presentation
1. Did you use any resources? Yes, a powerpoint.
2. Were the resources relevant and attractive? I think yes.
Body language and eye contact:
3. Did you look at your audience most of the time? No, everytime I was looking the powerpoint or the paper.
4. Did you read from your notes? Yes.
5. Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of you audience? A little.
6. Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes.
7. Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? Yes.
8. Did you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? I think yes.
9. Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books? Yes.
10. Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? More superficial.
11. Did you use check your grammar? Yes.
12. Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? A little.
13. Did you use sentence linkers? A little.
14. Did you use fillers? Yes.
Pronunciation & Intonation:
15. Did you know how to pronunce all you words? Yes. Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes, all of them.
16. Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? The same tone all the time
17. Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? With breaks and interruptions.
18. What mark did you get? If I was the teacher, I would put a 7 for the group.
The literal transcription:
Introduction: Hello everybody, we are Roger, Carrera and Pau and we will talk about South Africa whose capital is Cape Town.We will speak about her geography, economy, musica, foods and drinks, etc.Well, Roger is going to begin the second oral presentation with South Africa’s history.
Roger: History
Laura: Economy
Roger: Politics
Festivals: About the festivals we can see that they aren’t very differents versus festival’s Europeans (festivals of the Europe).For example we can see that 1st January is the New Year’s Day that is the 1st day of the year in the Gregorian calendar, the 21 March is the Human Rights Day, the 27 April is Freedom Day is an annual celebration of South Africa's first non-racial democratic elections of 1994, and for example 24 September that is Heritage Day that is a Public Holiday on which South Africans across the spectrum are encouraged to celebrate their cultural heritage and 26 on December is the Day of Goodwill, that it is based on the tradition of giving gifts (a "Christmas box") to the less fortunate members of society.
Laura: Language
Roger: Geography
Food and drink: About the food we can see that South Africans love their braais, that it is the barbeques. We can see the biltong, that is strips of dried meat which come in various flavour and types. [ That it is this image]. And Potjiekos that is a delicious slowly cooked meat and vegetable stew.About the drink we can see the Amarula, that is the bes liquor in the world, from a Africa’s tree called Marula.And the Luddite Shiraz 2004 that is a vintage was characterized by long periods of warm weather during ripening, resulting in full fruit driven wines with ripe tannins, and the most famous is Coca-Cola that is in around the world and also, there is the beer.
Laura: Music
Sports: About the sports we can see that white people, that is afrikaners, they love the rugby, the other white people, that speak English, love the cricket, and the black people, the football.In South Africa the most important sport is the rugby because they won twice the World Cup.On the other hand, we can see that South Africa is the first African country to organize a World Cup of football in 2010.On the other hand, the national team of South Africa is Bafana Bafana, whose the coach is Joel Santana and the captain is Aaron Mokoena, who is the most caps too; and they play in “First National Bank Stadium” with the T-shirt and socks yellow and the trainers green, and when they are the visitants, they wear a white dress.
The powerpoint:
South Africa
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 15:10 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: Oral presentation, second term
divendres, 13 de febrer del 2009
I kissed a girl
This was never the way I planned/ Això mai era la manera que havia planejat
Not my intention/ No és la meva intenció
I got so brave, drink in hand/ Vaig ser valenta, amb la copa a la mà
Lost my discretion/ He perdut la meva discretció
It's not what, I'm used to/ No és el que solia fer
Just wanna try you on/ Només vull probar-te
I'm curious for you/ Sento curiositat per a tu
Caught my attention/ Captes la meva atenció
I kissed a girl and I liked it/ Li vaig donar un petó a una noia i em va agradar
The taste of her cherry chapstick/ El sabor de la seva barra de llabis de cirera
I kissed a girl just to try it/ Li vaig donar un petó a una noia només per probar-ho
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it/ Espero que al meu novio no li importi
It felt so wrong/ Es sentia tan malament
It felt so right/ Es sentia tan bé
Don't mean I'm in love tonight/ Això no significa que aquesta nit m’hagi enamorat
I kissed a girl and I liked it/ Li vaig donar un petó a una noia i em va agradar
I liked it/ I em va agradar
No, I don't even know your name/ No, ni tant sols sé el teu nom
It doesn't matter/ Això no m’importa
Your my experimental game/ Ets el meu joc experimental
Just human nature/ Només naturalesa humana
It's not what, good girls do/ No és el que és, les noies bones ho fan
Not how they should behave/ No és la forma en la què s’han de comportar
My head gets so confused/ El meu cap es torna massa confós
Hard to obey/ Difícil d’obeïr
I kissed a girl and I liked it/ Li vaig donar un petó a una noia i em va agradar
The taste of her cherry chapstick/ El sabor de la seva barra de llabis de cirera
I kissed a girl just to try it/ Li vaig donar un petó a una noia només per probar-ho
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it/ Espero que al meu novio no li importi
It felt so wrong/ Es sentia tan malament
It felt so right/ Es sentia tan bé
Don't mean I'm in love tonight/ Això no significa que aquesta nit m’hagi enamorat
I kissed a girl and I liked it/ Li vaig donar un petó a una noia i em va agradar
I liked it/ I em va agradar
Us girls we are so magical/ Les noies sóm algo màgiques
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable/ Pell suau, llavis vermells, algo “petonejables”
Hard to resist so touchable/ Difícil de resistir’s-hi al tocar-los
Too good to deny it/ Massa bo per a negar-los
Ain't no big deal, it's innocent/ No hi ha gran compromís, això és innocent
I kissed a girl and I liked it/ Li vaig donar un petó a una noia i em va agradar
The taste of her cherry chapstick/ El sabor de la seva barra de llabis de cirera
I kissed a girl just to try it/ Li vaig donar un petó a una noia només per probar-ho
I hope my boyfriend don't mind it/ Espero que al meu novio no li importi
It felt so wrong/ Es sentia tan malament
It felt so right/ Es sentia tan bé
Don't mean I'm in love tonight/ Això no significa que aquesta nit m’hagi enamorat
I kissed a girl and I liked it/ Li vaig donar un petó a una noia i em va agradar
I liked it/ I em va agradar
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 10:48 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: extra point, second term
Description of a place
About the weather, it’s good; in summer and spring it’s warm and in winter and autmn are cold seasons, but no very, if we compare them with others countries in Europe. It rearely snows in Girona.
In Girona you can visit many famous places. There is a big park full of tall trees called La Devesa. There is also a well-known cathedral in the old part of the city. There, you can visit small shops, galeries, museums and you can buy some souvenirs. If you like going shopping you can go to a shopping Center called Espai Gironès.
Girona city has got an airport as well. So, you can take the plane there instaed of going to Barcelona. And finally, there is a river called Ter that goes through the city.
In this city there is well-know football team called Girona F.C and there used to be a basketball team a year ago but now it doesn’t exist.
People who live in Girona are very friendly, and extrovert. They love going shopping because they are very smart. Catalan people enjoy going out, going to the cinema or theatre and they love meeting their friends after work.
Catalan food is delicious. If you never visit this city, remember to try Arròs a la Cassola, Escudella or our traditional desserts.

Publicat per Pau Ubric a 7:01 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: second term, Writing
dimecres, 4 de febrer del 2009
Third New [2nd term]
Rossi insists: No F1 switch rider: jinet chance: possibilitat switch: canviar a alguna cosa [www.skynews.com, 4th February 2009 ]
MotoGP world champion Valentino Rossi has once again
dismissed any chance of racing in Formula One.
Despite another recent test for Ferrari, the 29-year-old
said he now believes he has missed his chance to make the switch.
However, the Yamaha rider did say that he could concentrate on rallying
after his career on two wheels has drawn to a close.
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 0:50 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: News, second term
Second New [2nd term]
Montjuïc's funicular closed for maintenance
The funicular and cable car to Montjuïc close service to the public from next Monday until 20 February, both days inclusive, to carry out maintenance tasks. During this period, in which the infrastructure can not serve, will be a special bus service between the stops of Paral·lel and Montjuïc Park, which have the same schedule as the cable car, from two quarters of eight in the morning to eight o'clock in the evening.
schedule: programa/horari
maintenance: manteniment
cable car: telefèric
[A magazine summary, Friday, 30 January 2009]
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 0:43 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: News, second term
dimecres, 14 de gener del 2009
First New [2nd term]
C. Ronaldo named Fifa player of 2008

His 42 goals for Manchester United last season helped the Old Trafford club clinch the Premier League and Champions League double.
The coaches and captains of 155 national teams took part in the voting for the award, with Messi finishing second ahead of Torres, Kaka and Xavi. Ronaldo is only the second Portuguese player to pick up the Fifa honour following Luis Figo's triumph in 2001.
winger: extrem
beat: guanyar a algú (a alguna cosa)
clinch: guanyar
ahead: davant
Publicat per Pau Ubric a 0:35 0 comentaris
Etiquetes de comentaris: News, second term