divendres, 6 de març del 2009

“Being a celebrity is a great thing? ”

Who doesn’t dream with be a celebrity? Now, everybody would like to be a celebrity but, is it a good thing, really?
As everything, it has got advantages and disadvantages, the problem is that the people only see the goods things.

On the one hand, we can see that the celebrities have a lot of money, so they have got a luxury life and we think that they always are very happy and they don’t have problems. Other advantage is that everyone can see the famous on the television and we know these cebrities if we see on the street.

On the other hand, be a famous is not very well, because they haven’t got a private life and the press do lies about these and their life, and it is very annoying for this person. Another disadvantage is that these people doesn’t do a degree because they din’t have time to do it in a past, so the celebrities must go to the TV programs to win some money. Not to mention the fans that cause inconvenience when they would like to take a photo with you.

For that reason, I wouldn’t like be a celebrity for the previously disadvantages, so I’m still with my life and I don’t complain about it, but if they would like to give me some money, I don’t turn down...