divendres, 28 de novembre del 2008




1. Did you use any resources? Yes, a powerpoint.
2. Were the resources relevant and attractive? Yes.

Body language and eye contact:

3. Did you look at your audience most of the time? No, everytime I was looking the poerpoint.
4. Did you read from your notes? Yes.

5. Did you do any gestures/movement to hold the attention of you audience? A little.


6. Did you organize your ideas in order of importance? Yes.
7. Did you use discourse makers to make your ideas more clear? No.


8. Did you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? I don't know if was new information for my audience, but I think that yes.
9. Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books? Yes.
10. Was your information more superficial or more detailed and original? More superficial.


11. Did you use check your grammar? Yes.
12. Did you use rich vocabulary looking up the dictionary? A little.
13. Did you use sentence linkers? A little.

14. Did you use fillers? Yes.

Pronunciation & Intonation:

15. Did you know how to pronunce all you words? Yes. Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Yes, all of them.
16. Did you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? I change my tone of voice
17. Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? With breaks and interruptions.


18. What mark did you get? If I was the teacher, I would put a 6 (maximum)

The literal transcription:

Hello everybody, my names is Pau Ubric, I am sixteen years old and I live in Sant Pere Pescador, the best village in L’Alt Empordà. Well, today I want to talk about Marea, my favourite musical group, that I like so much.
Marea is a Spanish group that started in Berriozar, Navarra, in nineteen ninty-seven, for Kutxi Romero, the most important member to the group.
Well, first the group was called “La Patera”, and when they went to register the name of his band to lunch their first album called “Marea”, they learned that other group was called “La Patera”, and this was a problem. What happens? That the band change the name and it pass to called Marea and the first album “La Patera”.
The band had got three records labels which are BMG, GOR and Dro Records, with the last had gor very problems, I don’t know why...
Well, the symbol that characterizes Marea is a skull crossed by two knives, the symbol to the pirates.
Well, the band is formed for five members who are Eduardo Beaumont, alias “El Piñas”, that he plays the bass; the other is Cesar Ramallo, the guitarist; David Díaz, called Kolibrí, that he plays the electric guitar; Alén Ayerdi, the drummer, because he plays the drums and finally, Kutxi Romero that is the singer.
Well, Marea has extracted 6 albums, La Patera, Revolcón, Besos de perro, 28000 puñaladas, Las aceras están llenas de piojos, and today they extracted Las putas mas viejas del mundo. Well, the first has got eight songs and the others have got eleven. Marea has got a website, if you want to know about this, you can go:
Good, my oral presentation has finished, if you have got any questions,...

Check your Language and Structure. Can you correct your mistakes?

Yes, I can; I think that for my next oral presentation, I must be relaxed and look my audience. I must pronounce ALL my words too.